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How to Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy Naturally in 30 Days (11 Expert Tips)


Planning to get pregnant is an exciting time for any woman who wants to have a baby, but it can also be one of the most stressful times. During this time the worst nightmare is getting your periods while you hoped they would not come again. You look forward to the double lines on the pregnancy test and you’ve probably even gone for a check-up at your gynecologist.

The truth is pregnancy is very taxing to your body and you need to be in the best possible health for a healthy and safe pregnancy.

So, how can you prepare your body for pregnancy naturally? This article will share everything you need to do to get your body ready for pregnancy from lifestyle modifications to pre-pregnancy diet and a simple preparing for pregnancy checklist you can use to ease your journey.

Preparing For Pregnancy Checklist: 11 Ways to Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy

How to Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy Naturally
Photo by lucas mendes on Pexels.com

Here’s how to prepare your body for pregnancy and ensure you are in the best possible health for a healthy pregnancy.

1. Get off birth control

The first step to do as you prepare your body for pregnancy is to get off birth control. If you are using birth control pills you may get pregnant faster than when using other birth control methods.

Once you stop the birth control, start tracking your menstrual cycle. Don’t be alarmed if you don’t get pregnant right after you stop taking birth control some women may take more time to conceive.

Also Read: What Should I Avoid When Trying To Conceive? (12 Dos And Don’ts)

2. Eat a healthy diet

How to Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy Naturally
Photo by Jane Trang Doan on Pexels.com

Your body needs to be in optimum health before carrying a pregnancy to term. During pregnancy, your body will have higher nutrition needs to cater for the growing baby. Therefore, you need to start eating healthy foods as you prepare your body for pregnancy.

A balanced diet entails eating whole foods in the most natural sources such as whole grains, lean protein, legumes, low-fat dairy products, fish, fruits, and vegetables. At this time avoid fish that are high in mercury such as shark and tilefish.

Limit your intake of highly processed foods and sugary foods with artificial sweeteners and unhealthy fats. Instead, eat healthy snacks such as nuts, seeds, whole grain crackers, and fruits, and avoid unhealthy snacks such as cake, cookies, and candy.

Also Read: What Foods Should A Pregnant Woman Eat Daily? 15 Best Foods For Pregnancy

3. Take a prenatal vitamin

According to research, one in three women discover they are pregnant at six weeks or more into it. Yet during the first few weeks, your body needs folic acid to prevent birth defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly.

So if you are planning to get pregnant start taking a prenatal vitamin with folic acid for at least one month (preferably 3 months) as you prepare your body to get pregnant. The recommended dosage for folic acid is 400 micrograms per day.

Please note that you should avoid taking high doses of fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamins A, D, E, and K as they can get to toxic levels pretty fast and cause birth defects. Take a prenatal vitamin because they usually have the recommended dosage of essential vitamins and minerals.

Also Read: What Are The Benefits Of Taking Folic Acid In Pregnancy? (8 Benefits You Should Know)

4. Get into a healthy weight

How to Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy Naturally
Photo by SHVETS production on Pexels.com

If you always wanted to lose weight, just before you get pregnant should be the time you commit enough to your goal. If you are overweight or underweight you may have difficulty getting pregnant. Even if you get pregnant while overweight it may increase the risk of high blood pressure, and diabetes and if underweight you may have a high risk of anemia, babies with low birth weight, or miscarriage.

Remember that you add weight during pregnancy so being overweight before conception may increase your risk of getting gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.

To know if you have a healthy weight use a BMI calculator. A healthy BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9. There are other complementary checks that you can do such as cholesterol level, weight circumference, and total body fat, but BMI is a good point to start.

Also Read: Why Am I Not Getting Pregnant? 6 Expert Tips To Get Pregnant Fast Naturally

5. Minimize your intake of caffeine

As you prepare your body for pregnancy you need to cut down on your caffeine intake.

Consuming more than 2 cups of coffee may make it hard to conceive. Furthermore, research shows that a high intake (more than two cups) of caffeine in coffee or soda can increase the risk of miscarriage.

Therefore, limit your daily coffee intake to just a cup a day or eliminate it.

6. Get regular exercise

Being active before pregnancy will help your body be ready to face the changes you may face during pregnancy. If you are already active before pregnancy, it will be easy to move when pregnant.

You can do moderate exercise such as brisk walking for 30 minutes at least 5 days a week. This is not the time to join a vigorous exercise program. Do something that you can maintain even while pregnant.

If you are not active before pregnancy starting an exercise program while pregnant may pose some health risks. So if you want to be active during pregnancy start a moderate exercise routine at least 30 days before conceiving.

7. Manage your stress levels

Stress and pregnancy are sworn enemies. Being in a stressful state either at home or at work as you try to conceive may hurt your chances of getting pregnant. Reduce your stress levels using simple techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, walking, or yoga. Also, reduce your workload at home and work by better time management or delegation to give you time to rest.

Take as much time to rest and get adequate sleep every night to make it easy to get pregnant. When you learn how to manage stress before conception will come in handy because pregnancy emotions can make you moody or emotional without any triggers.

Don’t stress about getting pregnant. Accept that it may take longer. Being stressed over a negative pregnancy test will only make it harder to conceive.  Avoid the temptation to turn sex into a chore intended only for babymaking. Instead, be close to your partner and enjoy your time together without that pressure as you prepare your body for pregnancy naturally, and in no time you will get pregnant.

Also Read: How Can I Enjoy My Pregnancy? 10 Tips To Stay Happy In Pregnancy

8. Stop smoking or drinking alcohol

Stop smoking or drinking alcohol before you plan to get pregnant because they may make it difficult to conceive or increase the chances of miscarriage, birth defects, and premature birth.

Furthermore, alcohol poses great harm and long-term consequences especially in early pregnancy especially premature birth while smoking can cause babies with low birth weight or death.

In case you have difficulty stopping smoking or drinking alcohol or drugs, get help from your doctor or counselor.

9. Limit your exposure to toxins

As you prepare your body for pregnancy you have done all the internal precautions, but then you may be exposed to harmful substances in your environment that may affect fertility. Exposure to high levels of these toxins such as synthetic fragrances, lead, pesticides, and use of plastic bottles that are not BPA (Bishenol-A) free.

Start using personal care products and home cleaning products that are free from chemicals. Toss your beauty products with parabens, mercury, and sodium laureth sulfate. Also, avoid getting an x-ray because exposure to high levels of radiation may affect your pre-conception health.

10. Avoid taking over-the-counter medication

How to Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy Naturally
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Avoid taking over-the-counter medications as they may be harmful to your unborn child. Always discuss with your doctor before taking medications whether conventional or herbal as they may affect your chances of getting pregnant or pose a risk during early pregnancy.

Moreover, some medicines may have unknown risks for early pregnancy. Ensure to discuss with your doctor before taking any drugs to ascertain their safety.

In case you have an underlying condition such as diabetes or high blood pressure and are under medications, discuss with your doctor how to control them and your drug usage before you get pregnant to avoid high-risk situations while pregnant.

11. Visit your doctor or midwife

It is important to visit your doctor before you get pregnant even if you feel healthy to establish your current health status. Some health issues can worsen during pregnancy or affect your future child so it needs to be checked in advance.

For example, women who have a negative Rhesus factor and have a partner with a positive Rhesus factor may need close monitoring when they are pregnant. Other underlying health issues such as diabetes, asthma, or sickle cell anemia also need to be regulated before you get pregnant to avoid a risky pregnancy.

The doctor may do a pre-pregnancy checkup such as a pelvic exam to check the health of your pelvic organs, a Pap smear, and physical exams, and advise you accordingly. They may also advise on some vaccinations or blood tests (such as STIs, and your blood type) you need before getting pregnant and the medications you need to avoid while preparing your body to get pregnant.

Another visit you can consider is a dental checkup to diagnose or treat any cavities or gum issues. You will not be able to have dental procedures during pregnancy, so now is the best time to do that.

How to Prepare for Pregnancy after 30

So you may ask, how do I increase my chances of getting pregnant in my 30s? The truth is your fertility levels decline in your thirties. However, some women get pregnant naturally even in their 30s or 40s. So, it is possible to get pregnant in your 30s.

The 11 tips in this article to prepare your body for pregnancy will work even if you are above 30.  Ensure to reduce your stress levels, have a healthy weight (BM1), and start taking a prenatal vitamin to increase your chances of getting pregnant fast.

However, you need to be more deliberate in your diet. According to research eating a low-carb diet has been seen to boost fertility because it improves hormonal balance and regulates your insulin levels compared to a normal high-carb diet.

In case you are concerned about your fertility after 30 be sure to visit your gynecologist and schedule a fertility check especially if it is taking longer than you wish to get pregnant.


  • How can I prepare my body before getting pregnant?

The best way to prepare your body before getting pregnant is to start taking prenatal vitamins with folic acid which reduces the risk of birth defects. Also, ensure that your weight is within the healthy range as being underweight or overweight can prevent you from getting pregnant.

  • What should I drink to prepare for pregnancy?

Some healthy drinks you can take to prepare for pregnancy include bone soup, milk, and yogurt to boost your bone health. During pregnancy, your body has a high demand for calcium and not having enough may weaken your bones.

  • What foods help you get pregnant faster?

Some of the best fertility foods to help you get pregnant faster include dairy products, citrus fruits, walnuts, legumes such as beans and lentils, sardines, salmon, and tomatoes.

  • How do I know if I am fertile enough to get pregnant?

You are most fertile during ovulation. Ensure to track your menstrual cycle and plan to have sex around the time you are ovulating.

  • Why is it so hard to get pregnant?

It may be hard to get pregnant if you don’t ovulate regularly. Women who have PCOS, uterine abnormalities, hormonal imbalance, and excess stress or are overweight or underweight may have difficulty getting pregnant.

Final Words

If you are trying to have a baby you need to be in the best possible health to increase your chances of having a healthy baby. Pregnancy is such a taxing time for your body and you need to be okay physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Getting your body ready for pregnancy doesn’t guarantee that you will get pregnant right away. Some people get pregnant fast while for others it takes longer. In case it has taken longer to get pregnant consider going to a fertility clinic to get the necessary checks and recommendations.

Whether this is your first, second, or fourth baby it is easy to prepare your body for pregnancy naturally by taking these 11 simple steps. Eat a balanced diet, maintain a healthy weight, get adequate exercise, manage stress, and avoid taking alcohol, smoking, and over-the-counter drugs to boost your health before getting pregnant.

What other tip has worked for you to prepare your body for pregnancy? Let us know in the comments below.

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The post How to Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy Naturally in 30 Days (11 Expert Tips) appeared first on Little and Mama.

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